Eleven interviewed during week of action to tackle the supply of illegal streaming services

Thursday 28 March 2024
Closeup of male person in handcuffs.

A crackdown on the supply of illegal streaming services, specifically a focus on individuals selling modified fire sticks, has taken place with the Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU) at City of London Police carrying out interviews. 

The operation, in conjunction with the Premier League and FACT, targeted 11 individuals across the UK selling illegal access to premium TV content via modified smart TV devices or sticks.

Officers travelled across the country to various locations including Portsmouth, Wales, Manchester and Bury to carry out interviews. One person was arrested and 10 others were interviewed under caution.

Kieron Sharp, CEO at FACT, commented:

“The success achieved through this targeted operation is directly attributable to the outstanding effort and robust support from PIPCU. By implementing these measures, a strong message has been conveyed: piracy is a criminal act that is treated with utmost seriousness and decisive action will be taken against suppliers of illicit services regardless of their size or scale."

To read more, visit the original announcement on the City of London Police website